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Welcome to the Awakening Course Portal


I designed the Awakening Courses to be powerful, personal journeys of connection and magic. Each course focuses on a different area of the super-natural world and offers inspired wisdom and practical exercises to help you weave the divine into your everyday life.


Delivered straight to your inbox, each course contains weekly videos, guided meditations and drum journeys illustrated PDF worksheets and a community group to share your discoveries and meet likeminded Awakeners.

Goddess Awakening

Goddess Awakening 2024

An invitation for you to join this 8-week path of the Goddess...


'I took the Goddess Awakening course and thought it was brilliant. Highly recommend Laura's courses, I can't wait to take another!'


An initiatory journey of empowerment created and led by Laura Daligan, witchcraft consultant to the British Museum for the Feminine Power: the Divine to the Demonic & The World of Stonehenge exhibitions.



In this 8 week online journey we take a deep dive into the realms of the divine feminine...

Each week you will receive a video in your inbox and weekly worksheets, there will also be mp3 meditations, craft projects, ceremony and live meetings with Laura and the group. One of the lovely things about this course is that you have the chance to connect and share with your fellow course members on our private facebook group. There is support every step of the way, and hopefully this will be a wild, empowering, nurturing and fun journey for you!


Here is a brief overview of the Goddess archetypes we will be working with within the course: 


Week One: The Mother Goddess. In the beginning there was the Mother, the Earth, the Creatrix of all life, the Mother of our Mother of our Mothers. The first evidence of deity worship is of the primordial life giving Mother Goddess. So in Week One we are going to delve into the heart beat of the fertile Mother, searching for Her stories from all over the globe.


Week Two: The Maiden Goddess. We will connect with the shining innocence of the youthful Maiden and see how She brings us new hope, new life, optimism and inspiration. She is the Goddess of discovery, creativity and child like joy. We will look at myths and tales of the Maiden and how we can incorporate Her into our lives whatever our age.


Week Three: The Wild Goddess. This week we search the wilds for the Lady of Beasts, Lady of the Forests and the Goddess of our Wild Selves. At the heart of us all lies the Wild Goddess, and to remember Her is to be whole. This is a week for rambling in the forests, communing with the animals and returning to what makes our souls sing.


Week Four: The Love Goddess. Goddesses of love, passion, power and deep sensuality are who we will be spending week four with. Connecting with our heart chakras and our own sense of sensuality. We will explore how these Goddesses encourage us to love ourselves unconditionally, to love life and of course to love others with a greater, sense of understanding and connection.


Week Five: The Warrior Goddess. This week we move to the battle fields of mythology. To our ancestors, women could be fearsome warriors, sometimes even more so than men! Our journey will take us to the Celtic Warrior Goddesses, to the Valkyre, to the Amazonions and more. We will look at how these powerful Goddesses can inspire us to act with dignity and honour in any battles we may be facing. A week for inspiration and revolution ;).


Week Six: The Queen Goddess. Queens of Earth, Queens of Magic, Queens of the Heavens, Queens of the Otherworld...all of these will be looked into this week. By looking into the tales of the Goddesses who ruled we will work with our own sense of Sovereignty and what it means to be Sovereign in our own lives. A week of deep empowerment.


Week Seven: The Dark Goddess. In week seven we look at Goddesses of Shadow, of Night, of Death and of Healing: the much misunderstood Dark Goddess. She is not 'evil', She is the necessary resting night to the Soul's bright day. She is the one who holds us on our darkest nights. She removes pieces of our lives which are no longer needed and She is reflected in the parts of ourselves we hide from the world. She is the powerful Dark Goddess, without Her we could never be whole.


Week Eight: The Crone Goddess. The Crone invites us to sit around Her fire as we spiral into our last week of the course. All stories must end, but as the ancient and wise Crone knows, all endings are a new beginning. The Crone has been a most disrespected aspect of the Goddess and womanhood in recent years, however our ancestors sought Her wisdom, and healing powers. She holds the wisdom of the land in her bony hands. Her laughing eyes are full of knowing of love, of loss and of mystery.

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Connect with the goddesses...
The Journey begins on August 12th 2024
Early Pricing


The invitation is open... 

Goddess Awakening Mentorship Program 2024
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For 2024 I am very excited to offer a limited number of Goddess Awakening Mentoring Programs to complement the Course.


Mentoring participants will receive:

4 X 30 min mentoring calls

1 X Goddess Artwork Print

Personalised Ritual

Goddess Healing Session

1-1 Support

Goddess Awakening 8-Week Course

Worth over £700 




No matter if it's your first dive into goddess realm or if you're a priestess already, this course will bring tranforation and a lot of joy. Just do it!! Laura's online courses are fantastic.

Anna, Netherlands

"Laura provides fantastic and detailed resources on her courses - leads wonderful guided meditations and drummed journeys and is so supportive.I love the videos she shares as part of the online courses and the course groups are friendly and safely held."

Ros Simons, UK


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Welcome to Dragons Awakening, an 8 Week fully interactive online course of myth, magic, and a huge dose of empowerment.


Each week you will be sent a video lesson, an mp3 meditation, and in-depth and rather gorgeous looking PDF worksheets.


The format for the course works like this - on a Monday you will receive an email with the video and worksheets, and on Thursday you will be sent your weekly meditation. 


We keep in touch every week with our private Facebook Group, this is a place to get to know your fellow course mates and share your experiences. This year there will also be the opportunity for 'meeting' online with Live Broadcasts, so we can share questions and findings. 

You can work through this course in your own time, and all the course materials are yours to keep - forever!

This course is for you if... 

You are drawn to all things Dragon! / You would like to experience the power & honour of Dragon Connection  / You would love to meet your Dragon Guardian / You are new to Dragons &/or Magic & would like to learn in a safe, held space / You are ready to invite powerful shifts into your life (Woohoo!) / You would like to expand your esoteric knowledge / You wish to know yourself better / You are an experienced Dragon friend & would like to dedicate time to immerse yourself in your connection & practice /  You love Dragons & would just love to learn more!

This course is currently running for individual study, however, joining the course gains access to the Dragons Awakening Online Group.


Dragons Awakening Price £220  - installment plan available



Dragon Awakening

“Thank you for this wonderful course, which has certainly changed me in profound ways”

Antje, Germany

Book an Appointment for Readings and Consultations
Glastonbury, UK
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